阅读理解能力发展活动:篇章结构宏观理解活动,学生自主快速阅读课文,根据教师所提供的判断句,判断主题。教师列出以下问题: Did you go to school together?The letter must have made you feel good, didn’t it? Is your cab available? Is he someone you’ve known quite a while? Is he dead? I thought your friend was Ed. Why did he sign it Tom? Is the letter from a child or a grandchild? Did you two work at the same place? 学生小组讨论并排序。学生阅读课文,划分段落结构,写出各部分观点。教师写出若干个陈述句,学生正误辨识。如Baker had never thought of becoming a writer until he was in the eleventh grade;Teachers found it painful to read students’long and lifeless essays;Before Mr. Fleagle became the English teacher for Baker’s class, the English course had been interesting.